Indigo North Health Inc participates in various accreditation programs ensuring the organisation and the programs and services we provide meet the highest possible standards.

The Australian Aged Care Quality and Accreditation Agency ensures you’re receiving the best care possible. All aged care homes receiving government subsidies need to meet quality standards. These standards are called accreditation standards. They cover areas such as management, staffing, health and personal care, resident lifestyle, living environment, catering, cleaning, continuous improvement, and safety and security.

The National Quality Standard (NQS) is a key aspect of the National Quality Framework (NQF) and sets a high, national benchmark for early childhood education and care, and outside school hours care services in Australia.
It gives services and families a better understanding of a quality service, helping families to make informed decisions about the services providing education and care to their child. The NQS brings together the 7 key quality areas that are important to outcomes for children.
The NQS contains 18 standards with two or three standards in each quality area. These standards are high-level outcome statements. Under each standard sit elements that describe the outcomes that contribute to the standard being achieved. There are 58 elements in total.

The Best Practice Certification enables us to demonstrate to customers and stakeholders our commitment to quality products and services, be it for the benefit of the environment, the safety of all stakeholders or for business ethics and risk management.
Certification is a great opportunity to improve efficiencies as an organisation and celebrate our achievements. It allows us to better promote our business and show that we are a trusted supplier to all stakeholders. Best Practice Certification demonstrates our commitment to continuous improvement across all of our primary care services.